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Special Offers


Make the most of our special offers

Enhance your stay in Dublin with our curated selection of exclusive offers. Whether you’re visiting for a short getaway or an extended stay, discover our tailored packages that have been designed to help you make the most of your stay with us.

Summer in Dublin

Summer in Dublin

Summer in Dublin, stay and save 25% on your stay!

Spring Sale- Save 20%

Spring Sale- Save 20%

Enjoy 20% off your stay this Spring!

Advance Saver-Save 30%

Advance Saver- Save 30%

You can save an amazing 30% when you prepay your stay with us through this…

Stay Longer & Save up to 30%

Stay Longer & Save up to 30%

There is so much to explore when you visit Dublin, we want to make sure…

Concert Package

Concert Package

Booked a concert or show in Dublin? Make it a night to remember at the…

Dinner, Bed and Breakfast

Dinner, Bed and Breakfast

Delight your senses with our Dinner, Bed & Breakfast Package, designed for friends and couples…

A Suite Celebration

Suite Celebration

Get ready to elevate your celebrations with a luxurious stay in a Spencer Suite!

Family Breaks

Family Breaks

Looking for the perfect location for your next Family Break? Then look no further The…